
Energetické nápoje - Čierna

Energetické nápoje

NUTREND Isodrinx bitter lemon, 420 g

Isodinx is a sports drink in powder form that enhances concentration and readiness during sports activities. It contains quickly absorbable vitamins and carbohydrates, electrolytes, and a mix of 10 vitamins. It has no artificial sweeteners and contains 80 mg of caffeine per serving. One serving (35 g) provides 56.5% of the recommended daily intake of vitamins. Suitable for trai
Dodacia lehota
Na sklade: 1
Dodacia lehota: Skladom
10,60 € 9,00 €
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NUTREND Isodrinx čierna ríbezľa, 420 g

Isodinx is a sports drink in powder form that enhances concentration and readiness during sports activities. It contains quickly absorbable vitamins and carbohydrates, electrolytes, and a mix of 10 vitamins. It has an instant mix with 80 mg of caffeine per serving. It has an energy value of 1582 kJ/372 kcal per 100g and 554 kJ/130 kcal per 35g serving. It is suitable for athlet
Dodacia lehota
Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii.
Dodacia lehota: Vypredané
10,60 € 9,00 €
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